#!/v/guest/sw/bin/perl -w ################################################################## ## ## ## DIVE PLAN CALCULATOR ## ## ## ## Version 3.1.1 ## ## ## ## Released 2011-12-02 ## ## ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 by Steffen Beyer. ## ## All rights reserved. ## ## ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it ## ## and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ## ## ## ################################################################## ################################################################## # # # Uses the NOB ("Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond") dive tables, # # based on the Canadian DCIEM ("Defense and Civil Institute of # # Environmental Medicine") dive tables, considered to be safer # # than most other diving tables. # # # ################################################################## use strict; ############################ # # # Configuration constants: # # # ############################ my $default_safety_stop_depth = 5; my $default_safety_stop_time = 3; my $default_deep_stop_time = 2; ############################# # # # Parameter default values: # # # ############################# my $max_depth = 18; # meter my $bottom_time = 30; # minute my $includes_descent = 1; # non-zero => bottom time includes time for descent, zero => bottom time is time actually spent at max. depth my $tank_vol = 15; # liter my $tank_pre = 200; # bar my $sac = 25; # surface liter/minute ("surface air consumption") my $descent_rate = 10; # meter/minute my $ascent_rate = 10; # meter/minute my $deep_stops = 0; # zero => disable deep stops, non-zero => enable deep stops my $safety_stop = $default_safety_stop_depth; # meter - set to 0 to disable my $time_step = 1; # minute my $repetitive_dive = 0; my $pressure_group = 'A'; # 'A' .. 'O' my $surface_interval = 60; # minute / 1 day = 1440 min, 2 days = 2880 min, 3 days = 4320 min / set e.g. to 5000 to disable ##################### # # # Global constants: # # # ##################### my $diveplan = 'diveplan.txt'; my $checked = ' CHECKED'; my $header = <<'VERBATIM';

my $footer = <<'VERBATIM';

VERBATIM ##################### # # # Global variables: # # # ##################### my $mandatory_stop = 0; my $show_tables = 0; my $save_time = 0; my $plan = ''; my $delta_air = 0; my $depth = 0; my $time = 0; my $tank = 0; my $air = 0; my(%Table_A) = (); my(%Table_Aa) = (); my(%Table_B) = (); my(%Table_C) = (); my(@Table_B_lo) = (); my(@Table_B_hi) = (); my(@inc_flag) = ('', ''); my $deep_flag = ''; my $rep_flag = ''; ################### # # # Initialisation: # # # ################### process_query_string(); $mandatory_stop = $safety_stop || $default_safety_stop_depth; $descent_rate = -$descent_rate if ($descent_rate < 0); $descent_rate = 10 if ($descent_rate == 0); $ascent_rate = -$ascent_rate if ($ascent_rate < 0); $ascent_rate = 10 if (($ascent_rate == 0) or ($ascent_rate > 10)); $inc_flag[($includes_descent ? 1 : 0)] = $checked; $deep_flag = $checked if ($deep_stops); $rep_flag = $checked if ($repetitive_dive); $save_time = $bottom_time; $tank = $tank_vol * $tank_pre; # liter * bar = surface liter init_table_A(); init_table_Aa(); init_table_B(); init_table_C(); ############## # # # Calculate: # # # ############## unless ($show_tables) { eval { calculate_plan(); }; store($@) if ($@); } ################## # # # Print results: # # # ################## print_page(); ########################### # # # Subroutines and Tables: # # # ########################### sub calculate_plan { my($factor,$delta_time,$mdd,$dt,$deco,$first,$stop,$temp,$pgdisp,$pgtemp); store ("\n ***** Dive Plan *****\n\n"); storef("Maximum Depth: %3d (m)\n", $max_depth); storef("Bottom Time: %3d (min) ", $bottom_time); store(($includes_descent?"(in":"(ex"), "cludes time for descent)\n"); storef("Tank Volume: %3d (l)\n", $tank_vol); storef("Tank Pressure: %3d (bar)\n", $tank_pre); storef("SAC Rate: %3d (l/min)\n", $sac); storef("Descent Rate: %6.3f (m/min)\n", $descent_rate); storef("Ascent Rate: %6.3f (m/min)\n", $ascent_rate); $factor = 1.0; if ($repetitive_dive) { if ($factor = get_rep_factor($pressure_group,$surface_interval)) { store ("\nRepetitive Dive:\n\n"); store ("Pressure Group: '$pressure_group'\n"); storef("Surface Interval: %4d (min)\n", $surface_interval); storef("Repetition Factor: %3.1f\n", $factor); } else { $factor = 1.0; $repetitive_dive = 0; } } ############ # # # Descent: # # # ############ store("\nDescent:\n\n"); storeline(); # show initial status descent($max_depth); ################### # # # Stay at Bottom: # # # ################### store("\nBottom:\n\n"); if ($includes_descent) { $delta_time = $bottom_time - $time; if ($delta_time > 0) { make_stop($delta_time); } else { store("No bottom time left!\n"); } } else { make_stop($bottom_time); } $bottom_time = $time; ############### # # # Deep Stops: # # # ############### ($mdd,$dt,$deco) = get_deco_stops($max_depth,$bottom_time,$factor); if ($deep_stops) { while (($depth - ($first = get_first_stop($deco))) >= 10) { $stop = int(($depth+$first)/2+0.5); store("\nAscent:\n\n"); ascent($stop); store("\nDeep Stop: $default_deep_stop_time min \@ $stop m\n\n"); make_stop($default_deep_stop_time); $bottom_time += $default_deep_stop_time; ($mdd,$dt,$deco) = get_deco_stops($max_depth,$bottom_time,$factor); } } ############################## # # # Deco Stops or Safety Stop: # # # ############################## if ($deco->[0] or $deco->[1] or $deco->[2] or $deco->[3] or $deco->[4]) { if ($deco->[0]) { store("\nAscent:\n\n"); ascent(12); store("\nDeco Stop: $deco->[0] min \@ 12 m\n\n"); make_stop($deco->[0]); } if ($deco->[1]) { store("\nAscent:\n\n"); ascent(9); store("\nDeco Stop: $deco->[1] min \@ 9 m\n\n"); make_stop($deco->[1]); } if ($deco->[2]) { store("\nAscent:\n\n"); ascent(6); store("\nDeco Stop: $deco->[2] min \@ 6 m\n\n"); make_stop($deco->[2]); } if ($deco->[3]) { store("\nAscent:\n\n"); ascent(3); store("\nDeco Stop: $deco->[3] min \@ 3 m\n\n"); make_stop($deco->[3]); } if ($deco->[4]) { store("\nAscent:\n\n"); ascent($mandatory_stop); store("\nMandatory Safety Stop: $default_safety_stop_time min \@ $mandatory_stop m\n\n"); make_stop($default_safety_stop_time); } } elsif ($safety_stop) { store("\nAscent:\n\n"); ascent($safety_stop); store("\nSafety Stop: $default_safety_stop_time min \@ $safety_stop m\n\n"); make_stop($default_safety_stop_time); } ################# # # # Final Ascent: # # # ################# store("\nFinal Ascent:\n\n"); ascent(0); ######## # # # End: # # # ######## $pgdisp = $pgtemp = $deco->[5]; if ($repetitive_dive) { if (($surface_interval < 360) and (ord($pgdisp) < ($temp = ord($pressure_group) + 1))) { $pgtemp = chr($temp); $pgdisp = "$pgtemp ($deco->[5] => ${pressure_group}+1)"; } $temp = $bottom_time * $factor; store("\nYour pressure group for MDD=$mdd and DT=$dt (for $bottom_time x $factor = $temp min bottom time) is now: $pgdisp\n"); } else { store("\nYour pressure group for MDD=$mdd and DT=$dt (for $bottom_time min bottom time) is now: $pgdisp\n"); } $pressure_group = $pgtemp; store("\nEnd.\n"); } sub descent { my($stop_depth) = shift; my($delta_time,$delta_depth,$new_depth); while ($depth < $stop_depth) # descent { $delta_time = $time_step; $delta_depth = $delta_time * $descent_rate; $new_depth = $depth + $delta_depth; if ($new_depth > $stop_depth) { $delta_depth = $stop_depth - $depth; $delta_time = $delta_depth / $descent_rate; $new_depth = $stop_depth; } $delta_air = air_consumption($delta_time,$depth,$descent_rate); $time += $delta_time; $depth = $new_depth; $tank -= $delta_air; $air += $delta_air; storeline(); } } sub make_stop { my($stop_time) = shift; my($acc_time,$delta_time,$new_time); $acc_time = 0; while ($acc_time < $stop_time) { $delta_time = $time_step; $new_time = $acc_time + $delta_time; if ($new_time > $stop_time) { $delta_time = $stop_time - $acc_time; $new_time = $stop_time; } $delta_air = air_consumption($delta_time,$depth,0); $acc_time = $new_time; $time += $delta_time; $tank -= $delta_air; $air += $delta_air; storeline(); } } sub ascent { my($stop_depth) = shift; my($delta_time,$delta_depth,$new_depth); while ($depth > $stop_depth) # ascent { $delta_time = $time_step; $delta_depth = $delta_time * $ascent_rate; $new_depth = $depth - $delta_depth; if ($new_depth < $stop_depth) { $delta_depth = $depth - $stop_depth; $delta_time = $delta_depth / $ascent_rate; $new_depth = $stop_depth; } $delta_air = air_consumption($delta_time,$depth,-$ascent_rate); $time += $delta_time; $depth = $new_depth; $tank -= $delta_air; $air += $delta_air; storeline(); } } sub air_consumption { my($time,$depth,$rate) = @_; return $sac * $time * (1 + $depth/10 + $rate*$time/20); } sub store { $plan .= join('', @_); } sub storef { $plan .= sprintf(shift,@_); } sub storeline { storef("Time: %2d (min) Depth: %2d (m) Air: %3d (l) Total: %4d (l) Tank: %3d (bar)\n", int($time+0.5), int($depth+0.5), int($delta_air+0.5), int($air+0.5), int(($tank/$tank_vol)+0.5)); } sub get_rep_factor { my($group,$interval) = @_; my($loop); if ($interval < $Table_B_lo[0]) { die "\n\nThis is not a repetitive dive, but a continuation of a previous one (surface interval of $interval min < $Table_B_lo[0] min)!\n"; } if ($interval > $Table_B_hi[10]) { return 0.0; # surface interval lies outside of the table, this is no repetitive dive but a new one } foreach $loop (0..10) { if ($interval >= $Table_B_lo[$loop] and $interval <= $Table_B_hi[$loop]) { return $Table_B{$group}[$loop] if (exists($Table_B{$group}) and defined($Table_B{$group}) and ref($Table_B{$group}) eq 'ARRAY' and defined($Table_B{$group}[$loop]) and ($Table_B{$group}[$loop] >= 1.0) and ($Table_B{$group}[$loop] <= 2.0)); die "\n\nNo valid entry found in dive table B for pressure group '$group' and interval \[$Table_B_lo[$loop]..$Table_B_hi[$loop]\] min (for $interval min)!\n"; } } die "\n\nNo valid entry found in dive table B for pressure group '$group' and $interval min surface interval!\n"; } sub get_deco_stops { my($depth,$time,$factor) = @_; my($srt,$mandatory,$mdd,$dt,$ndl,$group,$loop); $srt = $time; $mandatory = 0; if ($repetitive_dive and ($factor > 1.0)) { $srt = $time * $factor; $mandatory = 1; NDL: foreach $mdd (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%Table_C)) { if ($mdd >= $depth) { $mandatory = 0 if (exists($Table_C{$mdd}{$factor}) and defined($Table_C{$mdd}{$factor}) and ($time < $Table_C{$mdd}{$factor})); last NDL; } } } NODECO: foreach $mdd (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%Table_Aa)) { if ($mdd >= $depth) { $ndl = $Table_Aa{$mdd}[0]; $ndl = 720 if (($ndl == 0) and ($mdd == 6)); if ($ndl >= $srt) { $group = 'A'; foreach $loop (1..15) { $dt = $Table_Aa{$mdd}[$loop]; if (($dt > 0) and ($dt >= $srt)) { return($mdd,$dt,[0,0,0,0,$mandatory,$group]); } $group++; } } last NODECO; } } foreach $mdd (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%Table_A)) { if ($mdd >= $depth) { foreach $dt (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%{$Table_A{$mdd}})) { if ($dt >= $srt) { return($mdd,$dt,$Table_A{$mdd}{$dt}); } } if ($repetitive_dive) { die "\n\nCould not find the time of $srt min (for $time x $factor min) at a depth of $mdd m (for $depth m) in dive table A!\n"; } else { die "\n\nCould not find the time of $srt min at a depth of $mdd m (for $depth m) in dive table A!\n"; } } } die "\n\nCould not find the depth of $depth m in dive table A!\n"; } sub get_first_stop { my($deco) = shift; return( ($deco->[0]?12:0) || ($deco->[1]?9:0) || ($deco->[2]?6:0) || ($deco->[3]?3:0) || ($deco->[4]?$mandatory_stop:0) || $safety_stop ); } sub init_table_A { my($text,$item,$line,$loop,$depth,$time,$deco12,$deco9,$deco6,$deco3,$group); $text = <<'VERBATIM'; 9 300 . . . . M 9 330 . . . 3 N 9 360 . . . 5 O 12 150 . . . . J 12 180 . . . 5 M 15 75 . . . . G 15 100 . . . 5 I 15 120 . . . 10 K 15 125 . . . 13 K 15 130 . . . 16 L 15 140 . . . 21 M 18 50 . . . . F 18 60 . . . 5 G 18 80 . . . 10 I 18 90 . . . 16 J 18 100 . . . 24 K 18 110 . . . 30 L 18 120 . . . 36 M 21 35 . . . . E 21 40 . . . 5 F 21 50 . . . 10 G 21 60 . . . 12 H 21 70 . . 3 17 J 21 80 . . 4 25 K 21 90 . . 5 32 M 21 100 . . 6 39 N 24 25 . . . . E 24 30 . . . 5 F 24 40 . . . 11 G 24 50 . . 4 11 H 24 55 . . 5 15 I 24 60 . . 6 21 J 24 65 . . 7 25 J 24 70 . . 7 30 K 24 75 . . 8 34 L 24 80 . . 9 37 M 27 20 . . . . D 27 25 . . . 7 E 27 30 . . 2 9 F 27 40 . . 6 10 H 27 45 . . 7 14 I 27 50 . . 8 20 J 27 55 . . 9 26 K 27 60 . 2 8 31 L 30 15 . . . . D 30 20 . . . 8 E 30 25 . . 3 9 F 30 30 . . 5 10 G 30 35 . . 7 11 H 30 40 . . 9 16 I 30 45 . 3 8 23 J 30 50 . 4 8 29 K 30 55 . 5 9 34 L 33 12 . . . . C 33 15 . . . 5 D 33 20 . . 3 9 F 33 25 . . 6 10 G 33 30 . . 9 10 H 33 35 . 3 8 16 I 33 40 . 5 8 24 J 33 45 . 6 9 31 K 33 50 . 7 9 38 M 33 55 . 8 10 44 N 36 10 . . . . C 36 15 . . . 10 E 36 20 . . 5 10 F 36 25 . . 9 10 G 36 30 . 4 8 14 I 36 35 . 6 8 24 J 36 40 . 8 8 32 K 36 45 3 6 10 38 M 36 50 4 7 10 46 N 39 8 . . . . B 39 10 . . . 5 C 39 15 . . 4 8 E 39 20 . . 8 10 G 39 25 . 5 7 11 H 39 30 . 7 8 22 J 39 35 3 6 9 30 K 39 40 4 7 9 39 M 39 45 6 7 10 47 N 42 7 . . . . B 42 10 . . . 7 D 42 15 . . 6 9 F 42 20 . 4 7 10 G 42 25 . 7 8 17 I 42 30 4 6 8 28 K 42 35 5 7 9 37 L 42 40 7 7 10 46 N 45 7 . . . . B 45 10 . . . 9 D 45 15 . . 8 9 F 45 20 . 6 7 11 H 45 25 4 5 8 23 J 45 30 6 6 9 34 K 48 6 . . . . B 48 10 . . . 11 D 48 15 . 4 6 10 G 48 20 . 8 8 14 H 48 25 6 6 8 29 K 51 6 . . . . B 51 10 . . 5 8 D 51 15 . 5 7 10 G 51 20 5 5 8 20 I 54 5 . . . . B 54 10 . . 6 9 E 54 15 . 7 7 11 H 54 20 6 6 8 25 J VERBATIM if ($show_tables) { store(<<"VERBATIM"); ${header} Table A: MDD DT 12m 9m 6m 3m PG ${text}${footer} VERBATIM return; } DECO: foreach $item (split(/[\r\n]+/, $text)) { $line = $item; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; next DECO if $line eq ''; ($depth,$time,$deco12,$deco9,$deco6,$deco3,$group) = split(' ', $line); $line = [$deco12,$deco9,$deco6,$deco3,0,$group]; foreach $loop (0..3) { $line->[$loop] = 0 unless $line->[$loop] =~ /^\d+$/ } $Table_A{$depth}{$time} = $line; } } sub init_table_Aa { my($text,$item,$line,$loop,$depth,$time,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F,$G,$H,$I,$J,$K,$L,$M,$N,$O); $text = <<'VERBATIM'; 6 . 30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 360 420 480 600 720 . . 9 300 30 45 60 90 100 120 150 180 190 210 240 270 300 330 360 12 150 22 30 40 60 70 80 90 120 130 150 . . 180 . . 15 75 18 25 30 40 50 60 75 . 100 . 120 130 140 . . 18 50 14 20 25 30 40 50 60 . 80 90 100 110 120 . . 21 35 12 15 20 25 35 40 50 60 . 70 80 . 90 100 . 24 25 10 13 15 20 25 30 40 50 55 65 70 75 80 . . 27 20 9 12 15 20 25 30 . 40 45 50 55 60 . . . 30 15 7 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 . . . 33 12 6 10 12 15 . 20 25 30 35 40 45 . 50 55 . 36 10 5 8 10 . 15 20 25 . 30 35 40 . 45 50 . 39 8 5 8 10 . 15 . 20 25 . 30 35 . 40 45 . 42 7 5 7 . 10 . 15 20 . 25 . 30 35 . 40 45 45 7 4 7 . 10 . 15 . 20 . 25 30 . 35 . 40 48 6 . 6 . 10 . . 15 20 . . 25 . 30 35 . 51 6 . 6 . 10 . . 15 . 20 . 25 . 30 . 35 54 5 . 5 . . 10 . . 15 . 20 . . 25 . 30 VERBATIM if ($show_tables) { store(<<"VERBATIM"); ${header} Table Aa: MDD NDL A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O ${text}${footer} VERBATIM return; } GROUP: foreach $item (split(/[\r\n]+/, $text)) { $line = $item; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; next GROUP if $line eq ''; ($depth,$time,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F,$G,$H,$I,$J,$K,$L,$M,$N,$O) = split(' ', $line); $line = [$time,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F,$G,$H,$I,$J,$K,$L,$M,$N,$O]; foreach $loop (0..15) { $line->[$loop] = 0 unless $line->[$loop] =~ /^\d+$/ } $Table_Aa{$depth} = $line; } } sub init_table_B { my($text,$item,$line,$loop,$group,$M15,$M30,$M60,$M90,$H2,$H3,$H4,$H6,$H9,$H12,$H15); @Table_B_lo = ( 15, 30, 60, 90, 2*60, 3*60, 4*60, 6*60, 9*60, 12*60, 15*60 ); @Table_B_hi = @Table_B_lo; shift(@Table_B_hi); foreach $item (@Table_B_hi) { $item-- }; push(@Table_B_hi,18*60); $text = <<'VERBATIM'; A 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 B 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 C 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 D 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 E 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 F 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 G . 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 H . . 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 I . . 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 J . . . 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 K . . . 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 L . . . . 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 M . . . . . 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 N . . . . . 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 O . . . . . 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 VERBATIM if ($show_tables) { $line = ''; foreach $item (@Table_B_lo) { $line .= sprintf(" %4d", $item); }; $loop = ''; foreach $item (@Table_B_hi) { $loop .= sprintf(" %4d", $item); }; store(<<"VERBATIM"); ${header} Table B: ${line} : : : : : : : : : : : PG${loop} ${text}${footer} VERBATIM return; } FACTOR: foreach $item (split(/[\r\n]+/, $text)) { $line = $item; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; next FACTOR if $line eq ''; ($group,$M15,$M30,$M60,$M90,$H2,$H3,$H4,$H6,$H9,$H12,$H15) = split(' ', $line); $line = [$M15,$M30,$M60,$M90,$H2,$H3,$H4,$H6,$H9,$H12,$H15]; foreach $loop (0..10) { $line->[$loop] = 0 unless $line->[$loop] =~ /^\d+\.\d+$/ } $Table_B{$group} = $line; } } sub init_table_C { my($text,$item,$line,$loop,$depth,@list); my(@factor) = ( 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0 ); $text = <<'VERBATIM'; 9 272 250 230 214 200 187 176 166 157 150 12 136 125 115 107 100 93 88 83 78 75 15 60 55 50 45 41 38 36 34 32 31 18 40 35 31 29 27 26 24 23 22 21 21 30 25 21 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 24 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 11 27 16 14 12 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 30 13 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 33 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 36 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 39 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 42 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 45 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 VERBATIM if ($show_tables) { $line = 'MDD'; foreach $loop (0..9) { $line .= sprintf(" %3.1f", $factor[$loop]); } store(<<"VERBATIM"); ${header} Table C: ${line} ${text}${footer} VERBATIM return; } LIMIT: foreach $item (split(/[\r\n]+/, $text)) { $line = $item; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; next LIMIT if $line eq ''; ($depth,@list) = split(' ', $line); foreach $loop (0..9) { $Table_C{$depth}{$factor[$loop]} = $list[$loop]; } } } sub process_query_string { my $query = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} || $ENV{'REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'} || ''; my(@pairs) = split(/&/, $query); my($pair,$var,$val); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($var,$val) = split(/=/,$pair,2); $var =~ s!\+! !g; $var =~ s!%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])!pack("C", hex($1))!eg; $val =~ s!\+! !g; $val =~ s!%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])!pack("C", hex($1))!eg; $var =~ s!^\s+!!; $var =~ s!\s+$!!; $var = uc($var); $val =~ s!^\s+!!; $val =~ s!\s+$!!; $val = uc($val); if ($var =~ m!^[A-Z]+$!) { if ($var eq 'MD' or $var eq 'MDD') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $max_depth = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'BT' or $var eq 'DT') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $bottom_time = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'IN') { if ($val =~ m!^[0-9]+$!) { $includes_descent = $val ? 1 : 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'TV') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $tank_vol = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'TP') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $tank_pre = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'SAC') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $sac = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'DR') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $descent_rate = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'AR') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $ascent_rate = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'DS') { if ($val =~ m!^[0-9]+$!) { $deep_stops = $val ? 1 : 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'SS') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $safety_stop = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'GR') { if ($val ne '' and $val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $time_step = $val + 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'RD') { if ($val =~ m!^[0-9]+$!) { $repetitive_dive = $val ? 1 : 0; } } elsif ($var eq 'PG') { if ($val =~ m!^[A-O]$!) { $pressure_group = $val; } } elsif ($var eq 'SI') { if ($val ne '') { if ($val =~ m!^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$!) { $surface_interval = $val + 0; } elsif ($val =~ m!^([0-9]+):$!) { $surface_interval = $1 * 60; } elsif ($val =~ m!^([0-9]+):([0-5][0-9])$!) { $surface_interval = $1 * 60 + $2; } } } elsif (($var eq 'SHOW') and ($val eq 'TABLES')) { $show_tables = 1; } } } } sub print_page { print <<"VERBATIM"; Content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Steffen Beyer's Dive Plan Calculator

Steffen Beyer's Dive Plan Calculator

Uses the NOB ("Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond") dive tables, based on the Canadian DCIEM ("Defense and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine") dive tables, considered to be safer than most other diving tables.

Maximum Depth: m  
Bottom Time: min  includes time for descent
 is true bottom time
Tank Volume: l  
Tank Pressure: bar  
SAC Rate: l/min ("Surface Air Consumption")
Descent Rate: m/min  
Ascent Rate: m/min (<= 10 m/min)
Deep Stops:   (Use "Pyle" stops)
Safety Stop: m (Set to 0 to disable)
Time Increments: min (Granularity)
Repetitive Dive:    
Pressure Group:   [A..O]
Surface Interval: min or HH:MM

VERBATIM if ($show_tables) { print $plan; } else { print <<"VERBATIM"; ${header}${plan}${footer} Download this dive plan

VERBATIM } print <<"VERBATIM"; Download this software

Download Handleiding NOB Sportduiktabellen (PDF 6.7MB)

VERBATIM unless ($show_tables) { umask(022); chmod(0644,$diveplan); unlink($diveplan); open(PLAN,">$diveplan") and print(PLAN "$plan\n") and close(PLAN); } } __END__