B u i l d ' n ' P l a y Bekannte Bugs: Known Bugs: Version 2.1.0: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.46: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.45: =============== Bug #021: "gimp.bnp" and "imagick.bnp" might have installed their Perl modules into the wrong Perl installation tree, and "genopt" might not have been called when appropriate and for a different Perl installation tree. Version 2.0.44: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.43: =============== Bug #020: Due to a bug in "Configure" (from the Perl distribution), "BnP" could not be started from within a script (instead of from a terminal). Bug #019: "tools.bnp" had a syntax error. Version 2.0.42: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.41: =============== Bug #018: "genopt" was fed with wrong parameters in gimp.bnp and imagick.bnp due to a change in "genopt" some versions ago. Version 2.0.40: =============== Bug #017: If you said "build perl.core", "perl.bnp" would run idle for almost an eternity after installing Perl, running through the rest of the script, thereby performing absolutely unnecessary "find" and "make -n manifypods" commands. Bug #016: "perl.bnp" tried to initialize the "podroot" parameter for "pod2html" before this directory actually comes into existence. Version 2.0.39: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.38: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.37: =============== Bug #015: A bug only discovered now was that the generation of HTML-pages did not work at all under SunOS and HP-UX due to different formats returned by "make -n" on these machines. Bug #014: The first attempt to produce HTML-pages with cross-references was buggy. Version 2.0.36: =============== Bug #013: This version (as well as all previous versions) did not produce any cross- references between HTML-pages. Version 2.0.35: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.34: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.33: =============== Bug #012: An optimization introduced in the previous version of "genopt" turned out to be a bug, causing an excessively high number of "active" links to be displayed in the final summary. Version 2.0.32: =============== Bug #011: A certain item in the search path of "build" was useless, and an important item (the new installation directory for binaries) was missing. Version 2.0.31: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.30: =============== Bug #010: A path fragment was missing in the list of "stubs" (for the automatic "in-depth" search) which would have prevented BnP from finding its files on the CD-ROM. Bug #009: When "genopt" failed, its parameters were not displayed correctly in the corresponding error message. Bug #008: "genopt" was called with a wrong parameter which caused it to fail to update the links for the "bin" subdirectory of the "BnP" installation. Version 2.0.29: =============== Bug #007: The command "strip" in "perl.bnp" and "imagick.bnp" would strip *ALL* the binaries in /usr/local/bin, for instance, if the option "-g" of "build" was *NOT* used. This may not be desired. Workaround: Comment out the corres- ponding instructions. Bug #006: "autoflush" (introduced in the previous version) was not used consistently in "BnP.pm", some print statements had it, others not. Version 2.0.28: =============== Bug #005: Description: "stop" appears to be a reserved word in the shell of HP-UX. Solution: edit "build" and "genopt" and do a global "search&replace": "stop" ==> "quit" Version 2.0.27: =============== Bug #004: Beschreibung: Das Handling von Ctrl-C war dergestalt, dass ein Uebergehen einer Semaphore in "genopt" mit Hilfe von Ctrl-C zum Abbruch von "build" fuehrte. Version 2.0.26: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.25: =============== Keine Bugs bekannt. No known bugs. Version 2.0.24: =============== Bug #003: In "genopt" wurde Ctrl-C in kritischen Abschnitten nicht korrekt abgefangen. Bug #002: Im "build"-Kommando wurde die Usage nicht korrekt ausgegeben. Version 2.0.22: =============== Bug #001: Beschreibung: Der Befehl "build perl" tut nichts (wesentliches). Work-around #1: Statt dessen den Befehl "build perl.core.modules" verwenden. -- oder -- Work-around #2: Die Datei "perl.bnp" wie in "LIESMICH.txt" bzw. "INSTALL.de" beschrieben auf die Festplatte kopieren und die folgenden Zeilen $BnP->section_begin( $BnP->subset() ); # Trick: This means "do always"! $BnP->section_end( $BnP->subset() ); # This section is part of ALL subsets! (kommen je 2x vor) ersetzen durch $BnP->section_begin( $BnP->subset() ) if ($BnP->subset() ne ''); $BnP->section_end( $BnP->subset() ) if ($BnP->subset() ne ''); Hinweis: Dieser Bug sollte ab Version 2.0.24 behoben sein! ### EOF ###